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blender animation


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I've been watching and reading all kinds of tutorials on blender but there's still a lot i dont know. I'm serious about this, I'm not just fooling around.

so here's my question.

I can't figure out how to get human animations from oblivion to render and display correctly in blender(ie. walking). i know i have to import the skeleton.nif with a .kf file attached, but how do i go about loading the body meshes and have everything attached then have the animation display as it would in the game?

More specifically I need help figuring out how to work with animations that involve pairs(ie. shaking hands or hugging). if i have an animation that involves two humans, do i have to animate them separately or can i animate them together? if i can animate them together how would i go about loading the required files into blender?


any help would be greatly appreciated. I've looked and looked but i cant find any helpful tutorials on this.

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I have not delved into animation yet myself but I do know that animation involves animating the skeleton only.


If you imported the skeleton and then imported the models (body, armor, weapons, etc.) you will need to "attach" them to the skeletal structure. It is the 1st step in rigging a piece of armor but if you are using existing equipment, they should already be "rigged" and you simply need to attach (parent) the objects to the skeleton.


If done correctly, you should be able to go into Pose Mode and move the skeleton around and the other models will move with it according to their rigging.


This tutorial shows how I re-attach an imported model to a skeleton: Importing / Exporting Armor in Blender



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