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~ Fallout3 with a twist and some nostalgia ~


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Okay, the thread name is a bit misleading, what I'm after are a few mods that'd make the game feel more like I'd want it to play out.

Overall I'd want the game to play out more like a FPS since it is a FPS!


1. Replace the V.A.T.S. targetting system with "binoculars", making it possible to scout the area and plan your moves but remove the ability to fire from VATS.


2. The big guns such as the flamer were in F2 but they don't fit in well in F3; I'd like to see the miniguns and flamethrowers either completely removed or made to be very rare for enemies.

They should be replaced by weapons such as the LSW & M60.


3. The energy weapons are butt-ugly in F3, I'd like to see weapons that look more like the Laser Pistol and Plasma Pistol from F2(the larger energy weapons were pretty ugly in F2 as well, they'd be nice if they looked more like their smaller brethren, futuristic and not so "trashy and made of spare partsy")


4. Whats up with the combat shotgun!? It looks nothing like the original and that's freaking me out!

Obviously I want the old look back.


5. The grenades are really cool but they don't do enough damage and without the mod that stops them from bouncing around they're useless.


6. I can understand that the mutants are able to withstand much damage but surely weapons were made more efficient over the course of time? In Fallout3 the weapons are almost all like peashooters, a mutated ant should be downed by a few bursts of assault rifle fire, not two whole clips..


That is what I came up with just now.

What do you think, do any of my ideas sound interesting?

Are there already mods out there that fits my ideas that is also fully playable? Then tell me what their called :)


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In my personal opinion, VATS is one of the cool things that makes Fallout 3 fun to play...
I kinda like it as well but it's a bit overpowered since the enemies doesnt have the ability.


Anyway that is not the most important change imo, what do you think about the other ideas?

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The LSW, M60, City-Killer, and Wattz laser weapons have already been made as mods.
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The LSW, M60, City-Killer, and Wattz laser weapons have already been made as mods.
Yeah I think I've seen them around, but have the M60/LSW been made to replace eg flamer/minigun?

Are any of the mods you mentioned fully playable and doesnt look like monkey feces?

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Not yet, but you could probably download the Classic Fallout Weapons mod and change the leveled lists in the GECK to make them replacers.


Here's the Winchester City-Killer (there's an .esp to make it a replacer, I believe): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3827

Wattz Laser Weapons (replacer): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3002


Not sure if your VATS request can be done, as that's a hardcoded mess.

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Not yet, but you could probably download the Classic Fallout Weapons mod and change the leveled lists in the GECK to make them replacers.


Here's the Winchester City-Killer (there's an .esp to make it a replacer, I believe): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3827

Wattz Laser Weapons (replacer): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3002


Not sure if your VATS request can be done, as that's a hardcoded mess.

Thanks dude!

Is it difficult to change the leveled lists in the geck?

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Not yet, but you could probably download the Classic Fallout Weapons mod and change the leveled lists in the GECK to make them replacers.


Here's the Winchester City-Killer (there's an .esp to make it a replacer, I believe): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3827

Wattz Laser Weapons (replacer): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3002


Not sure if your VATS request can be done, as that's a hardcoded mess.

Thanks dude!

Is it difficult to change the leveled lists in the geck?


It's not particularly hard, but it can be a little time consuming if you wanna be thorough. It is however ridiculously easy to make your own vanilla weapon replacements. I've got most of the vanilla meshes replaced myself. And I agree about the minigun, I replaced it with an M60 :)

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In Fallout3 the weapons are almost all like peashooters, a mutated ant should be downed by a few bursts of assault rifle fire, not two whole clips..


Too true. I'm addicted to Skullmosher's Automatic Energy Weapons if only for doubling the damage of laser rifles. (The carbine's not my style, and as for the precision (read: sniper) one, I have a mod that adds a better one.)


I tried T3T Weapon Tweaks to make conventional guns more viable to me, but for some reason, Fawkes started ditching his gatling laser and picking up shotguns, hunting rifles, and other less powerful weapons, including nail boards.

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