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K, so hope someone knows what i should do.


In Balmora as i am around the back of Caius Cosades house, i get several warning msg:


TES3Stream Warning:Model"Meshes\x\Al_rock_MA_43.nif"

tex not found "Al_MA_lava06A.tga"



text load error Ai_MA_lava06A.tga



Model load error:Meshes/A/_TL_captgaurds_helm.nif cannot load file in Meshes/A/_TL_captgaurds_helm.nif


and if i try to move any farther in that direction the game crashes.

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D@N's post deleted. Sorry but please only post if you have actual content prepared. Thanks :P


As for your problem Lanfear, sounds a bit like a mod conflict to me. Do you have any that modify textures or add that particular helm mesh? If so try turning them off and see if the error still occurs.

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