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Updating resisdence while keeping loot


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Here's the situation, I've made a quaint little cave dwelling in Balmora, moved my old loot in, amassed yet more loot, and come to the realisation that I may need to tweak the encumberance of my many containers to support my future theivery. My question is, what do I need to do before I open up my mod in TESCS and increase the weight limits of my containers? ie. moving my loot somewhere else (my primary concern is doubling or losing my hard-stolen loot), etc.


Thankyou. :)

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Hmm well modifying a mod that your character is already using is always a slight risk. I would suggest removing all your loot and anything inside the containers from the dwelling (maybe temporarily modify your character with the console so he can carry it all). And make sure your character is outside the dwelling before saving your game, if you save inside and then load the changes it could cause problems.
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