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Confused on steps


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Ok what i first want to do is make a custom sword so i have a picture of the sword now what do i need to do. From what i understand is i extrude,make the edges, ect then add the textures to it then i import it as a DDS. Im just summing it up basically but is that right?
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Ok what i first want to do is make a custom sword so i have a picture of the sword now what do i need to do. From what i understand is i extrude,make the edges, ect then add the textures to it then i import it as a DDS. Im just summing it up basically but is that right?

Basically you always start with primitive shapes, like boxes or cylinders. Then you extrude faces, cut edges, etc.

That stuff needs a little bit of practice, but you'll get the hang of it eventually. There are countless tutorials on the net.


Once you have your model, you need to UV-map it. That is, you tell the model how to handle the texture.

Only after that can you actually start making your own texture.

Google it.


For everything Oblivion related, check this out:



Good luck!

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Have you check the guides ? But I think it's more complicated than that, I think we need to do something with NifSkope, need to make a UV map and needs to do something at the CS. I didn't know much, but you really need to read the guides. If you're using blender :




If you are using other things, such as 3dsmax, I think it's more complicated.

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Extruding the faces cutting the edges should be a litter easier for me because i took a class on AutoCAD and it looked similar to me. And after i UV map it and texture it then i import it as a DDS and then thats it right? Just for the 3D modeling part.


But i think im gonna switch to blender ive heard its easier and the 3dmax plugins arnt workin the best for me so BLENDAR IT IS

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You need to have some patience and actually read what articles people suggest to you.


But, to answer your question. DDS is the format for the texture. The model has to be NIF. You need special plugins for importing/exporting nifs. They are called NifTools, Just google it.


I alos suggest NIfSkope. You'll need that anyway, because it's quite easy to copy parts of other meshes to yours. Collision data can't be created easily within any 3d program. It easier just to copy it from a mesh that looks similar or close to yours.

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Currently im trying to make the blade then ill make the handle which is a handgun. Im thinking of making the handgun first and have the blade come out because the handgun is gonna be the hardest part. This is harder than i thought it would be xD. By the way the blade im making is from FF8 Seifers gunblade.


I think im actually gonna make sephiroths first because its easier and gunblade second because i cant find a descent picture of it and its more complicated

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