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[The worst bug ever] The Skyrim crash problem


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I think the worst problem with Skyrim is the crashing. Skyrim itself is an unstable game. I started to fight this problem a few mouths ago but now I'm running out of patience. I started up a clean Skyrim game (had to uninstall the game 5 times to get it to be clean, I deleted all my Skyrim saves and all tracks of mods). But now I was very very careful not to install a lot of mods, I haven't installed that big of mods at all and it started crashing again.


My mod list:





I tried out my Skyrim and first thing I saw was the Cart glitch as we went to Helgen and it crashed. Then I installed a save game and remade my character via "showracemenu" and continued to play..But then I went to the end of the cave when you enter Skyrim and leave the cave but it crashed. It won't go pass that point. In my previous runs of Skyrim it used to crash every time I fast travaled, opened the world map or entered another room like a cave or a city or even an inn! It's getting annoying as I hear people with +170 mods and their Skyrim is very stable. I just don't know what to do..Should I run BOSS should I do something I don't know..If you could look at my list of mods and tell me what to do, any advice or something ; /..(Bdw I watch Gopher all the time and he has so many game changing mods..Makz me cri).




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This is offtopic but Where did you downloaded that 1nivWICSkyCloakPatch? I can't find it and I really need that patch

Winter is Coming. It gives you the option in the installer.


There is an optional file for Audio Overhaul Skyrim called "CTD Fix" which apparently fixes a CTD around Helgen/on the road to Riverwood, maybe worth giving that a try.

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I have a 100% stable Skyrim, I use most of those mods except ClimatesOfTamriel (I'm sure this causes CTDs for me), Dance of Death, Footprints, Immersive Interiors, Dynavision and AOS.


That load order is definitely not correct. Use BOSS seriously.

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