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blender animation question


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I'm really getting into blender, just trying to figure everything out still. i've been watching and reading a lot of tutorials but i can't find much focused on oblivion animations/ skeleton rigging.

if there's anywhere i could get better help, let me know. otherwise i'm going to keep asking blender/oblivion questions here.

so when working on animations that involve pairs, where do i find the data that tells the game how to align the characters so the animation plays correctly. i've noticed paired animations are split into separate kf files for the corresponding character. i'm having trouble getting two skeletons with their corresponding kf files into blender and displaying the animation as it would show in game. can i only edit/play each character individually? if so than how do i know how they will align correctly in the game?


another question. where do i find facial expression data? do i have to unpack a bsa file to get the head mesh into blender or is there an easier way?

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BlueCrimpson, as you go through this learning process, please take some notes and post what you find as an Article. Any information you can post that you find works will be helpful. Be sure to include version numbers of the software you are using since KF creation is very sensitive to this.


The process I just recommended is why I have so many articles that I have shared with the community. As I learn something that was not documented well before, I write it down once I figure it out...or update articles that no longer apply for the current software versions.




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you bet i'll share things that i figure out, but i feel i dont know enough yet to be able to share much. i just learned how to import a skeleton with a kf attached and then i'm able to import the body meshes and have them attach themselves automatically to the skeleton so that when i pose the skeleton i can see the actual body pose too. i'm still figuring out the key frames and i've yet to make a successful character animation but i feel im getting close.

I'm using blender version 2.47, the bundled package off tessnexus.

i was unable to find the answers to my questions... will it be unlikely for me to get this kind of help here?

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There are very few animators in the community and most of that very few are also learning as they go.


Try browsing the animations category to find people that have done animations and see if they will reply via PM.


After that, I'd also check the Official forums (Construction Set Category) to see if there are any hanging out there.


I am guessing that you really only need Oblivion-specific help when it comes to import / export of KF files. Regarding animation inside Blender, the official Blender forums and fansite forums are much more likely to run into experienced Blender animators.


EDIT: I'll see if I can get some helpful links for you...but it might be a bit...trying to fight a stealth virus that is running rampant on our network. (1st outbreak in 3 years)


Blender.org - Key framing Video

Super3boy Videos


TUFTS OpenCourseware

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here Animation Base File

"This is a .blend file from Blender 2.48 containing an imported beast skeleton with Robert's male body pieces parented to it. It is ready to be animated complete with appropriate windows (you'll need to change the buffer to the right number of frames for your anim when done)."


and if you need help feel free to PM me (I already made some animation (for Deadly Reflex and UV) and I should be able to help you) :thumbsup:

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