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annoying buzzer sound at random times


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:wallbash: :verymad:


Ok I went to see if i could fix my audio problem. I nailed down the sound bug to be caused by flamethrowers and the planes that fly over head. I would get a sound glitch that was loud and would not go away untill I was far enough away like outof viewing sight away or entered building or fast tralveled.


Now I checked my system to see what i could find. My bios had the onboard sound on but it had a question mark under device manager. I have a Audigy LS card that I have in the pci slot that usually works fine. So I went and switched the onboard sound off. Now get this next time i tested fallout 3 instead of getting the sound glitch i was getting I HEARD A SOUND LIKE A CHAINSAW OR RIPPER like Shadowgates problem and it started right near Megaton heading SW from town.


My next test will be to see what i can change on my Audigy LS card then go to onborad audio. I have a 2004 patch still because their really isnt a new driver that creative will let me download. If anyone has a fix for my soundblaster card please provide me a link.

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Well I uninstalled my Audigy LS card and switched over to my onboard sound. The problem did not go away. As soon as I got close to a flamethrower the jet sound that is persistant was still there.


So I have no idea how im going to fix this glitch. It ruins the game. *sigh*

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