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3D help


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In edit mode, hold your courser over one of the pieces and hit the L key. The L key will select all of the vertices in that piece of the mesh so that you can move it without moving the others.


You should have started with the default cube. You can size it on the z axis by hitting S followed by Z and then move your mouse.


You need to select at least one virticies in order to extrude anything. Verts are the dots that light up when you click on them.


Forget about the gunblade for now, there is one you can download anyway. You should try to model a simple sword first and learn how to do it. You can always go back to building the gunblade later.


Your learning and that's what all of us are doing each time we open a program. You have a good start but you need to take little steps until you are more comfortable with Blender. Good luck!

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That sounds good ill proboly do that todays my first day modeling. I didnt like the gunblade here because it was from the (good side) cahracter in FF8 ive always liked evil and I liked how Seifers looked. But ill try to do a more similar sword like sephiroths.


But even tho I selected a vert it wouldnt let me extrude, and sometimes i wont be able to select indiviual planes it always selects all of them or indiviual verts so deleting is a hassle sometimes.

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