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Male animations for female PC?


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My character is a female dark elf that wears heavy armor and uses two handed weapons, so it seems out of character for her to be using the female animations. Is there a way I can make just my player character use male animations, like how some of the female housecarls (eg Lydia) do?

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Hm, well, I'm not sure if it would work, but at least with Lydia I think she has the flag "use opposite anims" in the creation kit. So perhaps if you opened the CK, looked for "player", opened it and set the same flag, maybe it would work. Not sure though.

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  • 8 months later...

Now, the description wasn't very specific as to how this works. I just want this to apply to my female PC, not to my male ones. So am I going to have to decide which character I feel like playing before I start the game just so I can be sure to select or deselect the mod in my load order?

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