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How to delete parts of objects in skyrim


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Hello I am trying to make a ship mod with the miniature imperial ship (smaller kataria basically). The problem is that the imperial flags need to be removed. This however is an issue considering they seem to be part of the ship and cant just be deleted. Is there a way to delete or erase them because I would appreciate figuring out how.

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This one? DL: http://www.file-upload.net/download-8557800/shiplargekatariah01.rar.html






In this case it's easy since the flags are a standalone mesh...in CK you can look up which .nif/model is used, afterwards you download FO3 Archive Utility and open Skyrim - meshes.bsa in Skyrim\data\, locate the fitting .nif and extract it. Open it with NifSkope, click on the mesh of the flag, click on the block that gets highlighted on the left side, CTRL DEL and save. In the CK form of your ship enter the new path to the edited nif and done.

Edited by ghosu
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  • 2 weeks later...

You copy/rename the CK form(s) of the original and change the .nif path to your new .nif.


In this case you have to load Skyrim.esm in CK, in the object window you select *ALL and search for ShipLargeKatariah01 , open it, rename ID to whatever and change the path below to your new...ok/create new form and drag and drop the new form to the render window to place it in the world.

Edited by ghosu
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  • 1 month later...

Thank you this was very helpful. Now my next question is if I wanted to delete everything but the top level how would I do that? Im trying to delete certain parts of the other sections but they seem to delete parts of the top with it. It seems like there are many things that are tied together and when I try to delete the bottom and middle level it messes with stuff on the top level and I dont want that


Also on a side note how do you get the color on nif scope like in your video. I only get it as grey. Thanks again in advance

Edited by omnomnomgoat
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For the first one you may need tools like blender. For the textures to show up, you need to set the folder of unpacked texture in the Render option.


It happens im also working on a ship mod base on this, we may communicate more.

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Awesome thats cool to hear about another ship mod. There really arent enough ship mods for skyrim.


Now as far as blender goes I installed it but it wont load nif files. I found out that you need a blender nif scripts file which I downloaded but it wont install properly. Its just a bunch of loose files. Am I supposed to put them somewhere in the blender files and then hit the install or what?

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Only the old Blender 2.49 is able to import nifs for the time being. And you need some workarounds too:





For the install you should follow these instructions:


Edited by Tamira
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