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Pirates of the Caribbean - Re-build on Oblivion - Flawless Graphics +


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The project:


To rebuild: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_the_Caribbean_(video_game) inside the Oblivion engine, with better features - but the same map and quests.



The plea:


I need a team of people willing to dedicate time and help to this project, it is an entire game overhaul, but imagine the finished project, a flawless pirate rpg based on an original bethesda title.




To get involved, please leave a comment below and I will contact you, probably via skype, so leave your skype name too.

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I'm willing and able to supply voice acting and any needed resources from my upcoming mod Children: Tamriel's Future. My knowledge of this game is extremely limited, as I've never actually played it, but I'll do what I can.


I don't have a Skype yet, but you can E-mail me at [email protected].

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I would expect this mod would go the same way as the Middle Earth RolePlaying mod (MERP), in that it was shut down by the owners of Lord of the Rings for containing the One Ring questline. What you're suggesting is basically rebuilding a previous game as a mod, which would also likely incur the wrath of the owners of PotC and get this mod removed.

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The game actually has very little to do with the Pirates of the Caribbean films, other than the inclusion of a ship called the Black Pearl that's crewed by the undead. If needed, that single reference could be edited and the mod retitled Sea Dogs II, which is what the game was supposed to be before ending up getting tied into the film.

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But the OP is asking help to re-create the video game Pirate of the Caribbean, complete with maps and quests (I'm afraid Mcclaud has nailed it).

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My point being that if it has no references to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, Disney doesn't really have any legal grounds to go after it. I have no idea who holds the Sea Dogs license now; they, I would think, would be the only ones able to take direct action.

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