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Do people look the part you assign them?


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I don't know about everyone else but from what I've seen there are a lot of people out there that make judgement calls on people they don't even know as to their guilt and innocence of something they were alleged to have done.

We've created whole industries that parade multiples of people with serious social issues like Morey Povish, Jerry Springer and the like. These people display the worst possible conduct human beings can make and the public eats it up. Not only that they have reality police shows that time and time again display the worst actions of people and again the public eats it up. Why?

Are we so pathetic that we must observe the of others in what possibly could be the worst times in their lives. Are we so pathetic that we need to see such behavior to feel better about ourselves and our situation or do we galk at this so we can ignore situations in our own lives?

Are we actually adding to the sensationalist desires of those who want their 15 minutes of fame and creating an environment that sponcers and supports this activity. Are we giving people a stage to act out in any way they want to and in the process place fellow human beings in jeopardy of life and limb, just to be entertained?

Is it also fostering the stereotypical attitudes that turn into prejudice that will stigmatize whole groups of people because we saw one person act stupidly in front of a camera.

Then ask yourself this question. Do you think those observing the Roman gladiators of ancient times fell the same way that we do when we see two fat women fighting over a skinny guy that isn't worth the cost of a bullet to end his reign of ignorance?

Do we cast judgement on those who dress and act differently according to the way they look, dress or how handsome or beautiful they are?

Do we judge a men sleeping with an underage girl more harshly than we do a woman sleeping with an underage boy?

Do we accept a Lesbian couple more readily that a gay couple?

Do we become unnerved when surrounded by those that you deem of lower social status or a different color or heritage?

What is with us as human beings that we have to assign the possibility of certain actions to those who met certain parameters? Is it the idea that others are different or is it the idea that we must separate ourselves from them to give ourselves the air of individual importance?

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