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Hey guys! So I'm making a quest where there is an option to put collars on 3 certain NPCs, and when you do, it advances to the next part of the story.


This is what happens: You trick them into putting a slave collar on, and then they're supposed to run to a certain area. I have this script to run at dialogue:


Women1.giveitem SlaveCollar 1 ;this is SUPPOSED to make the NPC put a slave collar on

set WomenWithCollars + 1 ;this is SUPPOSED to add "1" to a variable in the next script down
Women1.addscriptpackage 000WWCRunToJail ;this is SUPPOSED to make then run to their destination


However, it doesn't do any of that! What am I doing wrong? The "WomenWithCollars" variable is determined in the next script:


scn 000WomenWithCollars

short WomenWithCollars

begin gamemode

if getstage 000NeSideStory < 20
if WomenWithCollars == 3
setstage 000NeSideStory 20


This script is supposed to set the next stage of the quest when WomanWithCollars becomes 3 (when you put 3 slave collars on NPCs). However, it doesn't do that, either. I assume it doesn't do anything because the previous script that runs during dialogue isn't working, though.


So what is going on? =P Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

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DO NOT prefix EditorIDs with a numerical value or you will not be able to reference them in scripts.

That is definitely a sound advice, lutana, but numerical prefixes only become a problem when used with persistent reference IDs (in which case, the script will not even compile), and work just fine with base forms.



Please post the result script of the dialogue topic, exactly as it is.

I assume 000WomenWithCollars is a quest script? The script will not be processed unless the quest is running (either by having the Start Game Enabled flag, or started by StartQuest/SetStage).

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