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Mods for consols


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No real suprise, if you know what you're doing you can mod your xbox. People have done it afore, one of my friends has a modded box.


But, you have to know what to do. That and people don't make mods for the xbox verison. It's illgeal for starters to mod your box... xbox or PS3.

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The mods available on TesNexus are for the PC version. It's not that we are prejudiced against consoles, It's that the console makers do not want unauthorized mods on their boxes that they don't get paid for. As consoles use a completely different file structure and operating system, changing a PC mod to work on one that has been modified to allow mods - even if we knew what the structure was would be more difficult than making an entirely new mod.


A game console is really just another computer, but a limited purpose computer that has been modified to only allow what they want to run on it. It has been optimized for their games so they are good for those who just want to play a game. This makes them very good for games, but not much else.


A PC (or Mac) is a general purpose computer. It can play games - often better than the consoles. However it can also do a lot more, such as balance your checkbook, allow you to write stories and send them to a printer or publisher, Submit an expense report, write a resume and send it to prospective employers, control the lighting in your home, surf the internet, map a trip - and allow you to write programs to do other things, such as mods.


If you do make any unauthorized hardware changes to your console to allow it to run unauthorized software, such as mods, you will have not only voided any warranty, but violated the terms of use you agreed to and will be banned from their game site for life.


With a PC, you own the box. You can make any hardware changes you want and run any software you choose. And as long as you are not violating anybodies copyright, do whatever you want with that software, such as mods.

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Yes, it can be done as it was with morrowind........it is not easy and I don't know the particulars, it is a daunting task to accomplish and in doing so, you violate the EULA for the xbox and your warranty as well.
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Some hackers eventually figured out the file structure for the xbox and also found the data files folder Morrowind used with the xbox. After that, it was a simple case of getting the mods in that folder, and changing something so the game would load them.


They also eventually installed about 3 different kinds of linux on it too I think >_>

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Possible (especially given that the xbox is just a glorified PC with limited scope), but probably fairly difficult, and you'll never see the kind of mod community for them as for PC.


Hackers--and I use the term in the classic, positive sense here--are ingenious. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if some particularly intrepid geeks hacked up a way to foist PC mods onto the xbox (again, especially considering what the xbox really is).


While all that would be cool in the technical sense, who the hell wants to play a first-person game with a gamepad anyway? Nuts I tell you. I'm gonna stop now, before I get off on my rant about how consoles are destroying PC gaming.


They also eventually installed about 3 different kinds of linux on it too I think >_>

Oh yeah. Supergeeks have been tux-ifying consoles since at least the Dreamcast and possibly earlier. :D The appeal is obvious: once it has linux on it, it can do pretty much anything.

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