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MQ- No Artillery


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OK, I'm a sniper, with high damage on, and 100 in small guns. I go outside to do the "epic" climax of the MQ. The thing that instantly annoyed me was the friggin artillery, which not only ruined my aim every half a second, but also caused a lag spike every single time it detonated, no matter what computer I use, even one that can run Crysis on max (while being playable). Plus, the fact that the Enclave are landing their troops in an artillery zone that they created is above me. If they want to keep the bridge, why are they straining it with artillery and hi-explosive vertibirds? And if they didn't want to keep it, why not just blow it up instead of landing troops there? It just seems like it's been added as a bad afterthought.


Basically, I think the artillery serves no real point, and should be removed, if someone is kind enough to make a mod to do this, or instruct me how, I'd really appreciate it. This has to be the single most laggiest moment in all of fallout, I'm sure some people agree with me on that.

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I must say that even with my less than perfect set up (Phenom 9750, Radeon HD 2400), I didn't really notice any lag during that scene. >.>


That said, I too like to snipe. However, once I realized I'd have to run all the time to keep up with the bot, I kinda gave up on the idea and switched to my alien blaster for quick killing.

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