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Fallout newbie asking for some help


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I am a elder scrools player, i buy fallout in some steam weakend madness and try it, i am a total newbie in fallout universe, and i am searching for mods, in special visual mods, but i don´t know were to start.


I saw the vanilla animations is very strange, is like the character is floating in the ground not walking, there is a mod to improve that? ENB, textures, bodys... anything, i really don´t know were to start.


Thanks a lot!

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I alrady check the categories, but like skyrim nexus, newvegas nexus have a lot of stuff, new and old, for example, crimson tide is on top 10 endorsed mod, but enhanced blood texture is on top 10 too and is more updated and have less bugs.


Same goes for ENB´s presets, textures etc...


For the walk animation that don´t seen like floating, i still don´t found nothing.

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