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More prostitutes


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Okay so Nova is not the greatest virtual prostitute but she seems to be the only one in the base game.


I am not looking for porn just something more like Fallout 2 or how Nova works in the base game.


What would be really nice you go in pay your caps screen fades to black one in game hour passes (maybe a little classic porn music plays) the lights come back on and the player gets some kind of goofy little perk for the next 24 hours.


Main places I would like to see them:

--Tenpenny Towers (high class)

--2 in Rivet City (1 male 1 female)

--Big Town

--The families metro station (forgot the name) I think there is a prostitute already there but you cant use her services so an upgrade of her would work.


Also Nova and the metro prostitute could use a makeover lol.


These are the main things I am looking for but other locations as well as a mini quest would be welcome.


Thank you for reading.

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I do have a Rivet City brothel mod I might post, but it won't work the same way. You go in and pay via a computer and go through a kind of toll gate. At that point, it's up to you how you play (although "Favors" will shut off if you overstay). :D
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