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mod Help Town 101


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I need Help :)

I am trying to make a mod that build a town around vault 101 and takes places after “Trouble on the Homefront” ID “MS16” and take it back


problem 1

how to set the quest to start from a radio signal like in Trouble on the Homefront” ID “MS16” and were can I find the sound file of that radio signal.


problem 2

how to setup a difference beginning (dif dialogue) based of how Trouble on the Homefront” ID “MS16” ended. I set trouble on the Homefront as a Quest Conditions “GetQuestCompleted” “Quest 'MS16'”


Quest MS16 Endings


140- The player has stopped or killed the Overseer. Now he must report back to the head of the rebels, Amata.


160- The player has stopped or killed Amata. Now he must report back to the head of the vault, the Overseer.


180 -The player has sabotaged the vault's water chip. Everyone evacuates the Vault, and the Overseer comes to attack the player. Amata will meet the player at the Vault entrance.


190- For one reason or another, the player must leave Vault 101 forever. (quest not completed)


200- Both faction leaders are dead - Amata and Overseer/Allen Mack (quest failed)


210- The player has been barred from Vault 101, either by killing the Overseer and being banished by Amata, stopping the rebels and allowing the Overseer to close the vault, or by simply refusing to be involved and leaving.



215 -The player has voluntarily left Vault 101, and the passwords have been changed behind him. QUEST FAILED - NO ACHIEVEMENT OR REWARD! (quest failed)


230 -The events inside have been resolved peacefully, but the player is still exiled from Vault 101.


240- The Overseer has been told to evacuate Vault 101, and it is now empty and poisoned, and its citizens are all either dead or wandering the wastes.



Problem 3


How to reset the vault 101 to be clean like I was when you left the first time and be populated by NPC that didn't die the the other vault 101 quest and a few random vault 101 NPC like in megaton the “megatonSettler”.



Problem 4


reset the vault to let me in


Problem 5


how to set dialogue as quest trigger eg


You: hi Amata/ Overseer


Amata/ Overseer: Hi


You: want do you want


Amata/ Overseer: lol ( new quest objective)



Problem 6


how to get the hide senor in object X menu up like in the wasteland survival guide quest crab nest??


Problem 7


how to get NPC to move to a location



Problem 8

add item and building on to the world map when quest objective is completed



MY Quest outline/Plan


after take in back - Need borken steel and the pitt


Trouble on the Homefront


get radio signal ( come back .....)


enter vault 101


talk to Amata/oversee find out what she/he wants



get wasteland survival guide extended - from moira brown


talk to moira brown


wasteland survival guide extended quest


hide senor in underground city


get 3 sample of super mutant skin


get info about the bother hood of steel


get the wasteland survival guide extended



give wasteland survival guide extended to Amata/oversee




ask what to do next


setup the town


give 5000 cap


go to the the pitt and talk to Wernher/ slaver dude



Tells you to talk with Midea/ slaver dude wife


talk to dr li arks her to help


setup/clear out old research lab beta



talk to dr li


tall to Midea/ slaver dude wife and meet them a old research lab beta


talk to Wernher/ slaver dude and get building material


put building material box by vault 101 cave door



talk to the Elder Lyons brother hood of steel to help train the tunnel snake guard



talk to Sentinel Lyons


talk to Butch







Repeatable quest *3? ; each time these are done the town grows bigger




give 5000 cap



talk to Wernher / slaver dud and buy more building material



put building material box by vault 101 cave door







Thank any help :)

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You don't want to do much, do you? ;)


Problems 1 & 2: Just steal ideas from that quest. :)

Problem 3: Create a new vault, cloned from the old one. Modify as appropriate.

Problem 4: Disable the old door. Enable your new door which conveniently sits in the exact same place as the old door.

Problem 5: Stick Result scripts into the dialog (really, that should be obvious).

Problem 6: Custom activator (just like in that quest).

Problem 7: MoveTo http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/MoveTo or Travel http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Travel_Package

Problem 8: Stick buildings onto the map that you initially disable, then enable when the time is right.

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If this is your first mod I suggest you start small, you can always expand from there. If you go to large at once you risk never landing a playable version. Thats what I did with my mod go trivial small in scale and got it polished. The skills really do help, for instance I know everything gsmanners said, I didn't before I made my story. Now I am going to go larger and make what I want.
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