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Follower limit


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Animals could be used too but i dont want them to get hurt =p + human companions can be dressed in cool armours =p Hmm would it be possible for some script ona ring or something that increases the follower limit ( i hope we could get the attention of some experienced modders lol )
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You can create a simple mod or just change a setting in any mod you want in the CS.


look in the Gameplay tab in the CS then go to settings once in there scroll down theres alot of stuff in here but look for iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer Default is 3 change that number to a higher one but be warned on lower end machines the more actors you have following can cause fps problems right now I run 6 to 10 followers with no problems.



Resave the mod or save it as a new mod if you just opened the Oblivion.esm

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