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Pictures of your characters...


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I just thought this forum is lacking screenshots, so post some pics of your characters. New or old it matters not, mod or not it matters not.


To post an image press the IMG button, and paste the URL of the image in. If you need a image hosting site try http://1asphost.com/ I dont think they've ever been offline.

Here is Omnious Torelos, my Imperial Paladin


he caught the dark gift, he had many conflicting emoticians, his former life wanted him to protect the weak, but his instincts told him to feed



This is my Bosmer vampire, Sha Kira, she was once a slave, and know believes she deserves them herself.

Here she is looking for a suitable meal in Sadrith Mora



And my latest character Agros Bal, the fallen Dremora.



He didn't like his in the mortal plane, but after his first kill he couldn't feel any better. He is also facinated but the khajits, and all little furry things.

Soon however he was graced with the dark gift. All the mortal emoticians have confused Agros, he is now a servant of madness.



He found that sunlight wasn't so great anymore



He took over the Balmora Hospital, with his thralls and slaves working there, noone would suspect that a vampire is running the show. The odd death is expected in a hospital


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  • 3 months later...
Forgive the thread necromancy, but I did not feel it necessary to start a new thread for exactly the same topic. I have been meaning to post a picture of my character for a while. I really liked the lighting effects of this one, so here is the armoured nordic warrior, Stampede.


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Hi, i will add my picture too. But first i have a question for Stampede: Which helmet are you wearing?


PS: sorry, i didn't find any way to link to the picture and show it as thumbnail. So if anyone knows how to do it, please let me know.




Stampede says: I edited and hosted your modified picture. I hope you do not mind.

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to impress chicks mostly :cool2:


They are from the race mod Dark Elf Titan by Al Kaholic and Bear371. Kan'ild is also taller than a High Elf and bigger than any Orc. One of his racial powers is levitation so I guess the wings help with that too.

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