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Just Cause 2 Rico's Spear & Michael Keaton Batman's Escape


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Hi, I'm here because came on my mind two potential tools for thieves and assasins. A spear like what is used by Rico (the Main character of Just Cause 2), and the Escape Cloud Gas used by Batman, in the Michael Keaton version (1989).


The first one used not only to draw NPCs, but even items and to let the player to climb heights, if playing a non-magic character and avoid blink-like spells, teleporting spells and levitation.


The other one, the Escape Cloud Gas, is seen when Batman escape, after Jack Napier finish in the pool of acid. In the game, this should create a mid-size cloud of smoke and stop the surrounding NPCs to chase the player (that gets an attenuation temp-buff and could be useful, if used in conjunction with the spear thing, explained above, in order to escape the scene).

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Yes, but my idea about the spear, was something that could be used even by the player, to get "pulled". Have you ever played with Just Cause 2? The character can climb structures, draw objects etc. with that spear, not only pull enemy NPCs.


@jdude97 Yeah, it could be.

Edited by Derialund
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