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Multiple Followers - Multiple Followers lite mod from Steam failed


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I need someone to make a mod that lets you have multiple followers.

people suggested the Multiple Followers lite mod from steam.

Regardless of my hatred for steam (The stupid steam cloud messed up my skyrim saves and I lost a play through I've been working on for a long time) I tried it.

It worked for awhile, I am able to recruit all the games followers and DLC followers.

but for some reason cicero from the dark brotherhood and the brotherhood initiates wont follow me if I have a follower already.


I don't know if the mod stopped working or not, I haven't tested having any other followers trying to follow at once.


I'm wanting a team of Serana, Kharajo, Cicero, and Farkas, but the Multiple Followers Lite mod didn't work.


I would be grateful to anyone who would make this mod for me.


From: The Lone Wolfe



Please don't suggest any steam mods to me.

I have a thing against Steam.

If I made a Mod suggestion on Nexus, chances are I want mods from Nexus, NOT Steam....Thank You.


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In Fact, if I'm not mistaken, this is caused by the fact that the darkbrotherhood initiates and Cicero aren't included in the normal follower system, so if someone let's say: the multiple followers mod changes the normal follower system it will not affect them (I'm not sure if this is the case of all the follower overhauls however). You'll have to find a special mod for their system ( however most modders don't like to touch it because it has some serious chances of beaking a game, atleast that is what I was said)

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Although I almost never use followers I do have UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) which so far works great when I do bring followers along. It allows for 15 followers I think and the ability for them to mount horses, but they can't use mounted combat. Get Convenient Horses for that if I'm not mistaken.


Also I heard there is a better mod then UFO although I'm not sure what its called because I never look for follower mods.

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wait, how do they have a different follower system?

I didn't know there was different systems.


I was looking at UFO, but there's so much stuff to it.

I'm just wanting a simple mod that dose one thing.

like the werewolf mastery mod?

I'm just wanting people to not attack me while in werewolf form, but that mod dose that and ten other things that just hurt my brain. lol

but isn't there a way to change the count of how many followers you can have?

I heard of a way of doing it with console, I think it was setfollowercount to 0 or something like that, but I don't like using the console for that kind of stuff.

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