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The Local Map REALLY needs a 3D upgrade!


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Hey all,


As I'm nearing the end of my first run-through of the game I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed just about everything. There are a few nits here & there, but nothing worth mentioning. . .except this:


The Local Map details often SUCK. In particular the fact that so many locations have multiple levels and the Local Map will display access points that ARE NOT accessible on the level in which you currently find yourself.


For example:


I'm currently doing the Blackhall quest in Point Lookout. Being the Messiah I am, I've decided to take the evil book to Dunwich to dispose of it. I remember blasting my way through the Dunwich building several weeks ago, but my recollection of the layout is quite fuzzy. I remember finding the Obelisk in the basement, but certainly not the exact path to reach it.


However, the Local Map makes it seem like a simple matter of going from one side to the other. "Oh no, it's not that easy, you little poodle! You haven't jumped through enough hoops yet, have you?! Didn't the photographic memory you should've had all those weeks ago stay with you?! Awww, then you'll have to waste a bunch of time running around in circles, falling through holes and smacking up against dead ends until you FINALLY realize that you have to go WAY over here, drop down here, walk through there etc."


I know this isn't a big deal, and I didn't waste hours trying to find my way back to the Virulent Chambers, but this particular lack of detail has been a digital thorn in my side on multiple occasions throughout the game. Hell, even a decade-old game like Descent (remember that one?) had 3D mapping, and Fallout 3 doesn't?!


I know, I know, for some of you that's part of the challenge, but I'm one of those gamers who HATES having to repeat himself. If I want tedious repetition, I'll buy myself an NES and play Super Mario!


I just feel that if you've already made the effort to thoroughly explore an area, you shouldn't have to do it all over again weeks later (giving the memory plenty of time to fade away) just to complete a Side Quest. AND, if you are required to retrace your steps, then the program should at least reward your initial effort with a clearer path.




Dave S.

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