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True Orcs: Lotr Inspired Request/ Uruks, Goblins


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I have seen a lot of orc overhauls, including those to make them well, non-orcish. I have gotten tired of staring at what look like Gamorreans. Going thru Skyrim, I have noticed that, it may be possible, for advanced modders, to use for example, the falmers & vampire lords head meshes, edit them up a bit, make them customizable and replace the orcs with them. Examples: Azog the Pale looks like skyrims Vampire lord. The falmer look like lotrs goblins. If someone could do that, like even add noses to the falmer, that would be great. Bethesdas orcs just dont cut it. Fact: Lord of the rings introduced the word Orc.

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I personally don't mind the orcs although I do think LOTR orcs do look better and goblins are such a common and all-round good enemy to fight that them not being in the world of tamriel to fight is a little saddening. They make much better enemies then giant rats or spider which I always found to be a childish enemy.


+1 though

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I highly support this, and it wouldn't be that hard to do.


I myself have dabbled in the Creation Kit coming up with some Middle Earth orcs. Dark elves, Orcs, Falmer, Vampire lord, etc. are all great bases. You could do various types of orcs just with what equipment is given to them. For example:


-Gundabad orcs (Hunter orcs) - Savior's Hide, Forsworn Armor & Weapons, Orcish Weapons, Orc & Dark Elf race

-Mordor orcs - Falmer Armor, Orcish Weapons, Orc race (potentially vampire lord, depending on modding experience)

-Goblins/Moria orcs - Falmer & Orcish Armor, Orcish Weapons, Falmer & Dark Elf race


It really wouldn't be that hard.

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Would also be interested in this. Makes orcs a lot more fearsome and non cartoony.


I tried this mod out for a little while. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28522/?


It has very accurate Uruk hai's and also Azog the Pale, but unfortunately it hasn't been updated in a while and I think has some conflicts with Immersive Patrols during my test runs.

Edited by zigen1111
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