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Looking for a companion mod that will allow a city raiding army


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So what i'm trying to do, is set it up so that me, and about 5 or 10 NPC's can team up and we all attack towns, working our way through all of the towns before moving onto Imperial City. I have been trying this with Companion share and recruit (or something like that), but what ends up happening, is all of my companions all scream "MURDER" as soon as the first guard dies, and they get confused. at first they were attacking the guards, then after my bounty hit about 5k, they turned on me. But the healers got confused, the heal bots would be blasting me with spells, then healing me, while everyone else would beat on me. then when all the guards or other npc's are dead, they stop attacking me.



It's quite funny really, but not quite what i was looking for.


Does anyone know how to make this work? or know of a similar mod that might suit my needs?

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Servant of the Dawn? Towards the end you can command Daedra, Dremora, Templars, and acolytes to follow you(The last two are human followers). They're pretty simple just allowing basic follow/wait commands, but they sure as hell won't turn on you for slaughtering towns people.


Also Dremora Companion for an evil Dremora companion.

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the servant of the dawn followers very often stand and spectate battles. they rarelly help. And I as well would like a mod that I could command a battalion of NPCs to raid a city, and I can either watch, or join in on the fight! epic!
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Could be you got too many of them and fell victim to the ai overload problem. I actually had the opposite issue, I was walking up to the the Imperial city with a bunch of Daedra in order to have a symbolic dark ascent to power, and instead of just following me menacingly yet obediently.... my Daedra just killed everyone they came across. So I just left them on the big bridge leading to the IC.
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As already stated above, CM Partners work very well for this. Just select their fighting style to be evil at their command menu. The only limit would be is that you can only bring a maximum number of 6 companions at a time, iirc. Even so, you can have the companions as essential NPCs if you dread losing any of them.
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ok, i tried CM, and the same think happened. some of them started attacking me. however, after reading into the documentation, and what JCP and Nexus Set are saying, It looks like I probably had too many companions. I will try again with only 6. Which is fine for me (I think i was trying with like 8 or so).


I'm not trying to have a giant army take a city with me or anything. I am trying to play as a rebel leader, set out to take the towns of Cyrodiil one by one, marching through the towns, and killing anyone who stands in our way. And when were done taking the town, and killing the Count/Countess, go into the shops and loot out anything we can find, taking anything we want. go to one of the bars, and steal the booze, and get plastered at our victory. Not just the towns, but ambushing imperial patrols, and of course the black horse couriers, who could be a scouts, set out to find us and report our position to the imperial army. In the end, move on to the Imperial city, taking it one section at a time, working our way to the Palace to find and(with the help of the main quest delayer from the Modular Oblivion Enhanced mod) kill Emperor Uriel Septim. Then finally, wear his robes and the Amulet to crown myself emperor of Cyrodiil.


I knew there would be game engine limitations that prevented me from having too many followers, but six or so should do nicely to keep it looking like a semi-epic battle.

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