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my ambitious ideas

Tony the Wookie

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Ok, so here is the deal, I am starting work on my new mod, and I have some pretty ambitious ideas, and I just want to see if they are possible so I can know what to and what not to build for my town


This is the mod I am working on here




I plan on building the entire town and makeing new items and everything for this mod, and then once I have done my part and make it look all beautiful, then I will request the help of some program experts


but before I build certain buildings and stuff, I need to know if some of this stuff is even possible



1. I want to create a hanful of custom hairstyles, but the idea is that you can only get those hairstyles from the barber in my town. So I want to have my barber only offer my custom hairstyles, but I don't want my custom hairstyles to appear on the regular race menu or any other barbers across the wasteland.


2. I have a blacksmith, and I want to give him the ability to take all sorts of metal peices, from guns to ammo to scrap, and recycle it into something that you need (just like in the Pitt)


3. I want to have the carpenter in my town be able to build additions onto your house, is this possible, and if so, could I make it so that each addition to the house adds +1 to a certain stat as part of your well rested bonus, or something similar to that, just so that you only get it withing 16 hours of sleeping or something like that


4. I have a small farm, and I want to be able to put seeds into the plot on the ground and have them spawn fruit in a set amount of time, and if possible, have it grow in stages (small plant, medium plant, then the fruit appears)


5. There are 5 girls and 3 guys in my town that I want you character to be able to have a relationship with. Would it be possible to have them react differently if you talk to them every day, and would it be possible to give them gifts that would add to how much they like you?



so, if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated

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All of what you've asked is possible i believe. Though that is assuming you have the scripting knowledge.





More than 8 hours sleep is detrimental to your health, not beneficial. (In the real world that is ;0)

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Going the whole planting to fruit route isn't really necessary. You could just have bushes or trees and then simply allow them to activate based on some timed events.


The hard part is going to be writing all the lines for your NPCs and (if you don't want them to be mute/telepathic) getting people to voice those lines.

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Yeah, #1 is the only one in serious doubt.


#2 would be simple but time consuming. I'd imagine going a similar route as the Pitt and simply assign point values to every piece of possible metal and use those points to make stuff, but you'd have to assign values to each individual piece of equipment.


#3 should be relatively easy. All you need to do is make a new well rested spell that is applied when you sleep in that particular health and have it check certain conditions before it applies the effects.


#4, while I can't imagine anything, doesn't seem like something outside of the engine's capabilities so long as there isn't any real-time growing, just model changes. It'd likely be complicated though


Same with #5. The relationship part would simply be a complex quest, but certainly possible. The different dialogue everyday would be difficult though.


For #1, if you REALLY wanted to, I guess you could treat them like hats and just sell them, but that's the really cheap way out.

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i dont know about growing food from seeds. but i seen someone make a wall with 3 seperate meshes so that as you shoot it it becomes damaged & ten eventuly broken. so that way you could make 3 meshes, 1 a seed, 2nd a sibling, & finaly a full plant.


see this mod?


as far as i know the script for it should be similar to what you want in the fact that it go's from 1 mesh to another to another & could go from seed to sibling to plant?.




hears my house garden complete with banana & orange tree's. plants & vegtables. theres even a grapevine for the player to make some hooch :D.


veggie patche's.



some ninc strawberies.



collect some goodie's.






grape vine.



thinking about haveing a herb garden but these one have mediconal properties im told :D haha.





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pretty sure 1 is possible, think i saw that in obliv


skroo might haqve a point there?.


iv never played oblivion but you might be able to use oblivion scripts "dont know", put make shure you dont use oblivion mesh's as they arnt allowed & your mod will be takeing down.

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pretty sure 1 is possible, think i saw that in obliv


skroo might haqve a point there?.


iv never played oblivion but you might be able to use oblivion scripts "dont know", put make shure you dont use oblivion mesh's as they arnt allowed & your mod will be takeing down.


I was going to build my own hair meshes


but if it is too complicated I will just make a custom race for the people in my town and then only allow that non-playable race to use the hair, but then the player doesn't get a chance to use it


And as far as the plants go, I would be perfectly happy with just activating the plant in your yard, and haveing it spawn one fruit per day with no growing required, which should be simple enough, but it would be even better if I could get it to grow over time (I can make some models of the plant in different stages that will change each day or whatever)


And as far as diologue, I know that is going to be a huge task to take on, I am just hopeing that after I get this thing built, that my new houses and items and outfits and hair and ideas will spark enough interest to get some more help, though I will still work on that part myself


I don't expect anyone to want to help right now, but once I show them that I am reliable enough to get all of the art and item placement stuff done, and get everything else planned to every last detail, they may be more likely to help me


And if not... well, it will just be another town like Megaton, where people say the same thing the day you walk out of the vault to the day you activate the purifier




But I have 2 more questions


6. I want to have my carpenter build custom furniture you can use for you house, whould it be possible for me to also have him give you furniture for your Megaton or Tennpenny house? Or could even possibly have some sort of item in you inventory, and when you use it on some random couch in the Wasteland, the next day it will become the new couch (same size mesh and everything, just upgraded sort of) Like the carpenter comes out and fixes it for you (though he doesn't really come out, he just says he does)


7. I had the idea to have the different girls also play as companions, but I wan't to do something totaly different than any of the other companions on the game. I'll just list what I want them to do, and you can tell me which ones would be posssible. None of these four would actualy fight, they would have high sneak and hide during battle


Popari - If she is on your party, you barter and carisma skills go up. She also would have dogmeats ability to find thing, but she would find rare and expensive items and a lot more caps for you, stuff that arn't in the area origionaly


Maria - When she is on your party, you weapons would take very little damage, and she would be able to repair them for you for a minimal amount of scrap metal or other weapons you find (repair a 44. Magnum with a hunting rifle) She could also function as a portable workbench if needed


Elli - She would pretty much be like a white mage off of most RPG games. She would be able to heal you for free and she could also give you stuff that boosts your ability (like free chems with no addictive properties)


Ann - She would automatically add the Animal Freind perk to you as long as she is in your party, and she could summon different animals to come and fight for you

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