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The Modders Mansion


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I'm making a house mod that i dream will be the best house of all time. good size, all rooms needed, nothing excess and nothing missed. display cases, quests, awsome beedroom. everything modders need, like a stable for pegas horses, and other things for other mods. i'm using ideas from mori mountian estate. it has librays with aoutomatic sorting utilies, and an auto sorting alchemy jars. i'm also including some retextured mods by me. i need some help with scripting, maby, and i also need ideas to include to make it better. i'm also making it good for slower computers, by making a new cell for each room. The house will be created in the grazelands region.
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okay, i need help with scripting. when you enter the house you are in a room with a looked door and a drunk argonian. the door has a sword through the handle. i want 2 scripts and i've tried to right them but i failed. if anyone could right them for me that would be great. one is for the door (tmm_door_wedged) that makes it so it can't be opened unless the sword has been picked up once, then it opens freely. the other script say that i can't pick up the sword (tmm_sword_wedged) with out the power guantlet (tmm_power_guantlet). if anyone could help it would be great.
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There's probably a few different ways to go about that,

off the top of my head i think you could use either a global or journal,

of course im just throwing this stuff out i could be way off....



on the power gauntlets:


begin tmm_power_guantlet_script

if ( onpcequip == 1 )
set GLOBAL to 1
set GLOBAL to 0



on the sword:


begin tmm_sword_wedged_script

if ( onactivate == 1 )

if ( GLOBAL == 0 )
messagebox " you can't pick up the sword without the power gauntlets"

if ( GLOBAL == 1 )
Journal, "tmm_door_wedge", 10



on the door


begin tmm_door_wedged_script

if ( onactivate == 1 )
if ( getjournalindex, "tmm_door_wedge" >= 10 )
messagebox, " the door is weged shut or something"


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Hmm... well, if you're looking for a posh fireplace, "in_imp_fireplace_grand" is the one you want... "furn_fireplace10" is a short and simple one with a big mantelpiece, but I don't really much like using that one except on the top floor of a place. "In_nord_fireplace_01" is a pretty good one if you're going for the quaint country look. :P
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wich list are they under, static i presume. and how do i get the logs and fire? also could you please maby move this to team recruitment. i'm thinking of getting help cause i can only make the building but i want scripts and quests and what-not.
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Yes, they're all under Static.


As for logs, you can make a pile of your own from furn_log statics, or use the ready made log stack model, however I can't remember which ID that one has. Besides, stacking them yourself looks more authentic, provided you randomise it a bit. It is a bit more fiddly, though.


The fire is under Lights, as Light_Fire. Light_Fire_NoSmoke if you want no smoke coming from the fire. Light_Flame on top as a light effect can be a nice touch too.


I'll move this to Team Recruitment, then...

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