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Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. Am I doing something wrong?


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Okay, how can I edit my shortcut? and thank you for the help


In fact, I suggest you to NOT edit your shortcut, but create a separate shortcut for the obse_launcher, so you can choose if starting Oblivion with or withoug OBSE enabled. This would be handy when troubleshooting.


To create a separate shortcut for obse_launcher, simply go to your Oblivion main folder, right-click the obse_loader, choose Create Shortcut (or something like this, my OS in in Spanish and it says "Crear acceso directo". Then take the shortcut that appears in this folder and place it in your desktop.


Now you have two ways to start Oblivion, with or without OBSE.


If you indeed want to edit your shortcut for the Oblivion launcher, so it points to obse_loader:


right-click your desktop shortcut, - Properties, Shortcut tab, Path, and in the destination path, change the final OblivionLauncher.exe with obse_loader.exe.



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Okay, how can I edit my shortcut? and thank you for the help


In fact, I suggest you to NOT edit your shortcut, but create a separate shortcut for the obse_launcher, so you can choose if starting Oblivion with or withoug OBSE enabled. This would be handy when troubleshooting.


To create a separate shortcut for obse_launcher, simply go to your Oblivion main folder, right-click the obse_loader, choose Create Shortcut (or something like this, my OS in in Spanish and it says "Crear acceso directo". Then take the shortcut that appears in this folder and place it in your desktop.


Now you have two ways to start Oblivion, with or without OBSE.


If you indeed want to edit your shortcut for the Oblivion launcher, so it points to obse_loader:


right-click your desktop shortcut, - Properties, Shortcut tab, Path, and in the destination path, change the final OblivionLauncher.exe with obse_loader.exe.




okay, Thanks for the help :)

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SlyWolfy is using the disk version of the game astro.


If you use the editing your existing Oblivion shortcut method Sly, then afterwards you won't have access to the vanilla game launcher Data Files menu any longer using that edited shortcut (when you start the game using it you'll just see two small black windows in succession and then the main game menu). I use the edited desktop shortcut method, so what I do when I want to access the vanilla game launcher Data Files is use the shortcut you access via the Windows Start button, (which will still lead to the old OblivionLauncher.exe). The only thing to keep in mind is that you can't start the game using the old vanilla Data Files menu. Use it to activate/deactivate mods, click OK and then Exit. Once you start using OBSE you will always launch the game using obse_loader.exe (and if you use the two desktop shortcuts method you'll just need to keep straight which is which).

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