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Follower Limit


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If there is no actual limit, there could be a practical one. If your computer is not a real hot-rod, I bet you could make the game unendurably laggy by having eight followers. You probably wouldn't ever get to actually participate in a battle either.
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If there is no actual limit, there could be a practical one. If your computer is not a real hot-rod, I bet you could make the game unendurably laggy by having eight followers. You probably wouldn't ever get to actually participate in a battle either.

I believe the message is triggered when you have more than 6. This can be changed in the gamesettings.




I believe there is also a string there which is used to determine what text is shown, this can probably be blanked.


However, having too many followers does pose some issues, in particular when entering some caves and dungeons. When you have more than 2 other NPCs, you won't be able to enter or exit some caves due to your followers blocking the way. Additionally, in combat and when traveling, even when you have a good computer, your companions often get stuck in the terrain, attack eachother, hit you, in addition to the normal limits due to having too many NPCs in one screen. Generally, more companions are never a good thing.

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I just posted on a thread in the general Disscussions on this so I'll repost here too


You can create a simple mod or just change a setting in any mod you want in the CS.


look in the Gameplay tab in the CS then go to settings once in there scroll down theres alot of stuff in here but look for iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer Default is 3 change that number to a higher one but be warned on lower end machines the more actors you have following can cause fps problems right now I run 6 to 10 followers with no problems but then again I'm only running a high numberof companions to move them to locations for movie making.



Resave the mod or save it as a new mod if you just opened the Oblivion.esm

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