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Monster Dispenser


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1.Monster Dispenser

a) Basic idea

b) Balance issues

c) Monster list



a) Monster dispenser would be a nuka cola vending machine but instead of giving you few nuka colas, it will give you an option to spawn one monster from the list.

b) Some may think that it would ruin the game with people spawning monsters till they reach level cap. But it simply can be limited to one to three spawns in one in-game day.

c) Suggested foes list:

- Feral Ghoul

- Feral Ghoul Roamer

- Glowing One

- Super Mutant

- Super Mutant Brute

- Super Mutant Master

- Mole Rat

- Yao Guai

- Centaur

- Mirelurk

- Mirelurk Hunter

- Nukalurk

- Fire Ant Worker

- Fire Ant Soldier

- Fire Ant Warrior

- Giant Worker Ant

- Giant Soldier Ant

- And for hardcores Super Mutant Behemoth(i am also not sure if behemoth should be on that list, because that may destroy the balance)


I don't know if it's possible, because i am not really good at scripting and stuff like that, also i am begginer in GECK, that's why i wrote here.


Many people may think that this is useless, but if you wipe most of the wasteland you will propably want to kill some more, why to run around like stupid if you just can go to a monster vending machine, and have some good time killing your favourite mobs.

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While it doesn't have many options for what to spawn, Placeable Equipment's monster spawner does just that: spawn monsters. They also give either 1 or 0 XP IIRC, so not very practical to abuse for leveling.


So, definitely possible to have an item spawn monsters. I think there also might be one or two other mods that have monster spawners.

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