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Total and COMPLETE lack of natural disaster mods...


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Except for MannyGT's earthquakes I've noticed something odd in the modding community: there are zero natural disaster mods.



I for one, would love to see someone come up with a CoT-friendly tornado mod.

Have a script which detects when two types of adverse weather are side by side (for example, rain and snow) and there would be a X% chance to spawn a tornado between those two weathers for Y seconds.


The tornado itself could simply be a scaled up version of the cyclone shout or it could be a custom model.


Other proof of concept weathers would be

Blizzards (the Blizzard spell does a bloody good job with the effect)

Flooding (triggered by consecutive heavy rains in a area, would have to be triggered through a trap, probably)

Hail (ice falls from sky, enough said)


This is less of a suggestion and more of a who else notices this lack of mod-type and who else would like to see this void filled?

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