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Getting some really Gay-looking flowers (Not Offensive type Gay)


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Okay, so I installed a bunch of mods to make my Fallout world look like it would in real situations like Chernobyl and Pripyat. Thanks to a thread that informed me of this, I found a load order with things like


"BA Wasteland Restoration" and around 5 or 6 others I was supposed to install together to mix together nad make it awesome.


I'll provide a screenie of my issue and a load order. I'm getting really annoyed by the soft textured rocks, might be anti-aliasing, but I'm not writing out mod textures for the rocks just not being ones I like.


I'm also getting Gay flowers. And before you automatically assume I mean homosexual as an offensive and somewhat degrading context, I'm not. For the most part.


I mainly mean that the flowers are gay in the old original term. Bright, happy, and flamboyant, and not what I wanted at all. I've tried installing a mode that was just a textures folder of files, but the flowers stayed the same and didnt change to the green bushes I wanted.


So Screenie:




As you can see, the colors of the flowers are pasty reds and blues. I wanted a more s.t.a.l.k.e.r./Skyrim feel to the Nature, not this bright crap, and those rocks being light grey and smooth isn't helping.


So Here is the Load Order:

  • [X] Fallout3.esm
  • [X] BrokenSteel.esm
  • [X] PointLookout.esm
  • [X] ThePitt.esm
  • [X] Anchorage.esm
  • [X] Zeta.esm
  • [X] Alton, IL.esm
  • [X] HairPack.esm
  • [X] TheInstitute.esm
  • [X] FNNsys.esm
  • [X] Summer_2.5.esm

[separated ESPs and ESMs so it would be Easier to read.]


  • [X] hair_add_npc.esp
  • [X] AltonAddon.esp
  • [X] 1PipboyPDA.esp
  • [X] PersonalTerminal.esp
  • [X] mutantradio.esp
  • [X] RadioTenpenny.esp
  • [X] Existence2.0.esp
  • [X] Loki_HistoricSpeeches_v1.esp
  • [X] GNR Enhanced.esp
  • [X] Enclave Radio Enhanced.esp
  • [X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp
  • [X] X-1_Tales_of_Wonder!.esp
  • [X] FNNsys start inventory.esp
  • [X] BA_WastelandRestoration.esp
  • [X] BA_WastelandRestoration_DLCs.esp
  • [X] KDS Optional Tree Addon.esp
  • [X] F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp
  • [X] PureWater-VeryCleanLittleRad-.esp

Any advice on what I should uninstall/install is what I'm really looking for. I mainly am looking for help from others with experience, sinceI have played fo3 in awhile, on pinpointing which mods to get rid off, or install to improve this stuff.


Thanks. :)

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In order to use KDS Optional Tree Addon.esp, you need KDS Restoreout, since it is an optional file.


You are using a couple of mods that change the same things. You should open each of your visual overhaul files and check the mesh and texture paths. If they are changing the same things, only the last load mod will be seen in the game.

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Okay thank you M48A5. I'm going to try to install Restoreout first to use the optional tree addon, and then put everything to be loaded before restorout. Hopefully, this will help, if not I will do what you say and say the result right now. :smile:


Also, the load order list I got from someone elses' post on another thread calls for:


"Local Greener mods (Paradise Falls, Citadel, Megaton Healing)"


I couldn't find an actual mod called that. Does anyone know what that might be referring to? Just the greener mods? I might have seen a few of those.


Update: I have found that BA Wasteland Restoration, Fellout, and RecoveringWastelandReborn all have the same grass named file. So I'll have to chose which one I want. I'm leaning between BA and Fellout personally. But thank you for making that make sense so far. It's been awhile for me with Fallout. :smile:


Ugh, now I know why my flowers look so like they do. :\


The French mod "Summer" that is not actually hosted on Nexus, as an update page placehold with images and info, with a link to where it can be downloaded. Their grass file is the one I have in there, and that's why it looks like it does. :D




Update 2: So the rocks still look like putty. But the flowers are gone, and there are now bushes adn things around. Its not as populated, but I can live with it as it is now. :)


The rocks still look like grey smooth clay or putty. So one way or another, that will get resolved. I'm not in a huge rush, I've got tests this tuesday, so I wont be messing with that tomorrow. Thank you with your help so far. :)

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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