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First companion encounter - tougher giant


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Yeah, I think the problem with adding a fixed amount of health is that it's hard to balance--people often have other mods that increase weapon damage and such, which can offset any but a really large health increase. (For reference, he has about 600 health in my mod.) What I think I'm going to do in my next update is make the giant invulnerable for a few seconds when the fight begins, to give the player some more time to get there before he actually starts taking any damage.

The idea I had in mind was to modify the script so that the fight doesn't start before the player gets within a certain distance of them. But I don't even know if that's possible.

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The idea I had in mind was to modify the script so that the fight doesn't start before the player gets within a certain distance of them. But I don't even know if that's possible.

Anything is possible, it just depends on how much vanilla stuff you want to edit/new stuff you want to add. :smile:


The way it works now is that there's a fairly large trigger zone centered around the giant. When the player enters that zone, the three Companions are teleported in, the giant is enabled*, and the fight begins. So you could make the trigger zone smaller, so that the player has to get closer before the fight starts; but the drawback would be that the player would probably see them just suddenly pop in. You could add complexity with a second trigger box inside the first--the first teleports the actors in, the second triggers the fight to begin--but that would involve a lot of editing scripts and AI packages. That's why my approach is just going to be to make everyone invulnerable for 5-10 seconds; that way you'll still see them fighting from afar, but the giant won't take any damage until you've had time to get closer.


* Note that the giant is actually enabled already by mistake in the vanilla game, but the Unofficial Patch is going to be fixing this in their next release.

Edited by DreamKingMods
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