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heres a thought for you, if chemicals build up emotions like fear anxiety happines and all the rest, then if you remove these chemicals do we have a soul.

is the soul built up around chemicals if it is when we die do we lose our soul.

and are random thoughts just chunk chemicals left over from an emotional responce to our environment.

And could you manufacture an ego in a bottle.

Just a few questions for you. :cool2:

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Your absolutly right, Emotions are 100% manufactured by chemicals and protiens etc. Many people relate feeling emotions as a human only spiritual chareristic, but most animals have emotions also, diffrent from ours ofcourse due to diffrent chemicals but none the less they are also animals with feelings, like us.


We come from such a long family tree of humans we have adapted so much that early humans became self aware, and all hell broke loose. We established speech and laws, and spiritual beliefs to explain for whatever we couldnt understand. Feelings must have been some of the strongest modivators to early man and they still are. We feel therfore we are human. Wanting so much for our lifes to mean somthing in a attempt to understand the world and ourselfs we tend to take on the conclusion that the universe revolves around us. We are all we know therfore we must be the one all end all. We assume the creator of all existance personaly made us and set a purpose for us.


And I dont say this in a religion mocking way, this is a basic human instinct, every culture through out history has made spiritual beliefs. Even I a devout athiest have trouble wraping my head around the purpose if any of all existance, and how we fall into it.


But im afraid I've never seen anything to suggest the existance of spirits, we are flesh and bone, we are animals, simply orginisms that have grown proficient in earths enviroment. Our feelings all serve a purpose, humans with feelings survive a lot better than humans without them, evolution favored emotions, therefore we have them. We know Emotions are chemicals because we can alter them with drugs and other methods, we can numb them, or we can exite them. If they where spiritual woud drugs have any effect?


Having said all I have to say about emotions I cant see a debate about this going any witch way but into a religious argument. What we should address here is not religions, but rather a purely scientific question as to the depth of emotions, I would not be opposed to the suggestion that thier may be more to them than I stated. I know people share certain energys when near each other, these energys no doubt came to be as a result of evolution. One may argue that there is a conection between emotions and this energy.


Dont get me wrong I dont belive in psychics, im talking about invisible fields of energy that suround us. We are made of matter and all matter is energy when broken down. Large hunks of matter tend to have smaller forms orbit them. Like how the moon orbits earth, gravity being magnetism, and that being forces of energy. We dont have small objects around us but we do have fields of much smaller matter, or sub-matter, we have energy fields. Having these fields eventualy evolution is going to be effected by them, how ones field affects anothers or themself may have a effect, that effect may infuence behavor. Now if theres a connection betwwen this energy and emotions, I dont know, but thats the closest thing I can figure to having a "spirit".

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I agree totally on the fact that emotions are related to our biochemical structure, and that if we introduce a particular hormon or chemical (both synthetic or natural) we will have different reactions and emotions: an increase of the level of male hormons make people more aggressive, or some alcohol can change completely (for some time at least) our reactions and emotions.

What I dont understand is why it seems so difficult to see a little bit further:

also the hormones and proteins and all the chemicals that we introduce through our dayly food have the same effect and our behaviour is related to our way of


Changing the man would not be so difficult: it would be enough to change his food.

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