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Equippable "Shield" Tomes For Mages And Book Worms


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Now, to be fair, I've seen this mentioned briefly months ago, but cannot seem to find it again. So, I would propose one of you wonderful modders make a set of tomes that were essentially shields. You could make them in all three armor types (Heavy, Light, and None) to satisfy all playstyles. They would simply be lower defense shields that conferred a bonus of some kind in exchange.


So you could have a "Manual of Destruction" that would lower the cost of Destruction spells by however much, or turn some of the skill books into "shield books" so that "Incident at Necrom" now provides a bonus to Illusion spells. They would be dis-enchantable of course, as the character could as the character could also learn the enchantment from the "shield book. And then unenchanted versions, so that people could put on whatever they wanted, so they could make their very own "Guide to Fencing" to provide a bonus to one handed while they dispatch that mammoth with a long sword.


I always play a magic user in some capacity, and lean more toward pure mages, and I've always wondered why no one's really done this yet. But, my knowledge of such technical workings is next to nothing, so you know.


What y'all think?

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Yea I have that one. But they're all weapons, and rather overpowered for books at that.


I'm talkin about just a basic shield that looks like a book or spell time that worked like any other shield. I actually tried cloning the hide shield in the creation kit, but hit a brick wall 2 mins in cause I'm not versed in it at all lol.


Lastly, you make a good point. I guess they wouldn't need to be pre enchanted, just enchantable like any other shield.

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Well, after a couple hours fooling with the Creation Kit, I've gotten everything the way I want except for the main piece: the shield showing up on the character as a Tome. I simply copied the Hide Shield as a base, and edited from there. From what I can tell it's the model (seems obvious but it took me like 30 minutes...), but it only lets me choose from existing armor and clothing models. So I'm not sure how to expand that list to include clutter.


Anyone have any advice? Is it even possible?

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Hey batmanna (awesome name btw), thanks for the reply. Yea, I copied the 'Hide Shield' as a base, swapped out the shield .nif for the book meshes, and it only changes the inventory image. I'm not sure if that's really what you're saying to do or what, cause this is really my first foray into the CK beyond adjusting some numbers.


Thanks again

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Cool, thanks a load! I'll give it a try. Why does it always seem like everyone else around knows everything about all this stuff?? Lol!


You are not the only one to feal that way, believe me.


Nice idea, I thought of something similar when I noticed that one of the SIC (Skyrim Immersive Creatures) NPCs uses a book in his shield slot. Would be nice to see something like your idea to happen.

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Thanks draconisking! Yea, I'm plugging away a bit (supposed to be working lol) so we'll see. It's my first time doing any of this so the whole nifskope thing is slow going.


I've always been tempted by SIC, but seeing as I only have two more ESPs till i'm overloaded, I've kept it at arms length. Figured the more I looked, the more id want it lol! But it's interesting to hear about the book shield.


Update when I figure it all out! :psyduck: :wallbash:

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