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Equippable "Shield" Tomes For Mages And Book Worms


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Well after about 2 hours I still can't figure out the simplest of NifSkope lol. I just keep getting an error, and it seems like there are no tutorials for making a shield to look like anything but another shield.


Work is calling, need to actually get something done today lol! I'll get back to it later.


I feel like I'm so close though!! :wacko:

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You are a god. Thank you!


My spelltomedestructionlowpoly.nif is still un-textured, despite the Hide Shield one taking the path I entered just fine. Then, when I try to copy the NiNode from book to shield, I get:


"failed to map parent link BSFadeNode SpellTomeDestructionLowPoly.nif"


Apologies for the absolute dunce that I am. This is completely beyond any of my efforts thus far.

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That happens if you don't delete the NiSkinInstance blocks in all 4 NiTriShapes as i show it in the video. And make sure to uncheck the SLSF1_SKINNED shaders in all 4 blocks as well...everything works fine for me ingame and i used the files i adjusted in the video.

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Uhm when you don't touch the TEXTURE SETS / paths in the .nif it normally should work by default. Even if you unpacked the textures to the wrong folder - if no texture files exist in the entered texture path it would take them from the texture.bsa archives.


Maybe you should try to extraxt the .dds textures, and in the nif texture path directly link to this extracted file. So the texture path would look like c:\games\steam\blablabla\blaaa\textures\clutter\books\SpellTomeDestruction.dds and not just textures\clutter\books\SpellTomeDestruction.dds


If even this doesn't work then i have no clue since i can't replicate this error and never had it before.

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Sorry about that, it was only un-textured in NifSkope. Got it set up and in game, and it looks fine, other than a few tweaks I need to make.


You are and absolute wonderful person ghosu. Thank you so so so much!! This is something I've wanted for literally years! Lol! And thanks to everyone else for their help!!


Now to get to tweaking...

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Yea, my idea was to have a number of them, but the books on their own wouldn't block much without an enchantment. But they're enchantable for whatever you need. But I also wanted to create a "series" that provide discounted spell school effects, magic armor, fortify 1H, all that jazz.

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