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Animated Signs and statues


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First off... Very cool what you've done there! With the GNR plaza one, it could make sense within the context of the game as that location is populated and running a radio station 24-7 so there must be someone there tech-savvy to keep stuff going/repaired.


As for a suggestion, seeing the GNR statue immediately reminded me of the Nuka Cola statue outside of the factory. Maybe you could either animate the bottle itself or add atoms orbiting the bottle?

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chucksteel - Hello!


Those animated signs look great!


Particularly like the GNR Plaza with the dual rotations.


I've been playing with animated statics recently too, you can get some fun results. :)


"Any Ideas?"


Like Ranx31 I immediately thought of the Nuka Cola fountain. :)


I also thought the creepy Obelisk in the Dunwich Building would be fun if it did something, not sure what could be animated there though.



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I have been working on the Nuka cola statue but it's making me mad. the Label on it doesn't have LOD and there is a hole in the mesh behind the label so when the player is at a distance from the statue the label is not visible and worse off you can see through the hole in the model. I'm still trying to fix is though.

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