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proposal mod... (need some pointers and tips)


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wanted to do something romantic for my girl , she is the kind that like to watch video's of people either dancing or singing during marriage proposal , Well I can't sing worth a lick and I can't definitely don't dance, so I wanted to do something that I am good at which is create a mod for her to play it would start out with a quest to save me from a prison where a vile creature would have me captive there would be action sequence where she must fight her way through a gang of mobs to get to me then she must battle the boss that has me imprison but before the the battle there would be a voice dialog between her and the main boss demanding why she has come there would be option to choose from and then the battle , once the battle has ended she would then release me from the cage now hard part is to keep her enthralled in the game because she is not that much into games so ways to keep her interested in continue playing till the quest is fully over is gonna be tricky ...


then after she releases me from the cage i would tell her how much she means to me and show her my gratitude I'm not sure if there is animation for kneeling but if there is then i would kneel in game asking her for her hand in marriage at the same time i would tell her in game to look on the desk where a ring would be sitting out of view while she is playing this whole mod would take sometime to be created any pointers and tips would be greatly appreciated.

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