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Fallout 3 Crash on Win 7, everything tried, any help?


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Hello everyone

I have the CD version of Fallout 3
Now, I had to reinstall after a mod didn't want to remove itself (Hence why I should learn to create back-ups for this sort of thing)
Alas now the game crashes when selecting a new game, I first thaught it was my mods, because the game would crash after five seconds into start-up
so I disabled them
Game started up now, but as stated it crashes when selecting a new game (Obviously I can not chose continue as I had to reinstall und wipe my saves)
The game used to run, Including all my mods
I did the .DLL thing, I changed the FALLOUT.INI file, I even removed the music as some stated it would be corrupted for the windows 7 mp3 Reader

I did everything that this guide told me to do: http://steamcommunity.com/app/22370/discussions/0/828937546147175081/?l=dutch

Nothing worked
Now, I do recall some sort of special installer I used to have the game working (had something to do wiht installing teh game, + DLC's und then use said installer to update und fix the game) but alas, it seems I can not find it anywhere
Does anyone knows of this installer?
or knows any other tricks to get this lovely gem of a game to work again?

Thanks alot
Vladimir Howard Marijenska Rasponov
The Game Explorer

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That guide is ok. But, use this guide that is posted at theBethesda Softworks site: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/


You must download and install the latest Games For Windows Live. This is necessary for the game to run. You do not have to sign in or even run the GFWL, it just needs to be installed in the game file.

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