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Rebuild Character with console


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I had to restart my character because of save bloat, which i think was mod related. I started crashing 12 hours into the game and wasn't able to fix it. I've since reinstalled with a safer load order.


What i want to know is if i could finish the quests, which I'd finished and maybe set some gear, skills and levels with console commands on a new save without making bugs and breaking the game again. It's mostly the thief guild quests (just unlocked the Bravil fence) and I'm only level 5.

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I will tell you what Hickory once told me: The less you use console commands,the better. (well,maybe these weren't his exact words but it's been quite some time since then)

Just replay them or you could create a brand new character,have fun and a couple of months later return to the current one. After a couple of months you won't mind replaying the quests so much.


Keep in mind that some times a different load order won't help you with save bloating. If a specific mod does it then probably it'll do it again.

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