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Sudden, inexplicable lag


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So, I took a hiatus from Skyrim to play Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. When I was done beating the hell out of Megatron, I went back to Tamriel...to find a much, much different world...


Every thirty to sixty seconds, the whole game will lag out horridly. I think it has something to do with the sky, as the lighting jumps all over the place once the lag ceases (which there's no discernible time frame on, it seems to be a random amount per incident). It's cost me a save file, as it caused me to do the strange "saving during a fatal fall" thing.


I made NO adjustments to Skyrim between the last time I played it and now. Didn't add any mods, didn't change my ENB, nothing.


Does this sound like an issue with my graphics themselves, or does it sound like it's something in-game? Think maybe installing FoC changed something?

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