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Mod that Removes or Reduces weapon drops


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Hello All,


I started looking through the mods but there are so many...


I'm looking for a mod that will either completely eliminate NPC weapon drops or at least greatly reduce them.


I havn't been particularly frugal, have played entirely in hardcore, and right now I have:

  • 130088 Caps
  • 24 Pistols
  • 41 Rifles
  • 17 SMGs
  • 23 Heavy Weapons
  • 34 Melee/Unarmed Weapons

This doesn't count the dumpster at Ranger station Charlie full of Legion gear. They ambush me so often there that I leave them little surprises. The Mini-nuke mine was really cool. Was kinda hard to sort out all the legs and arms and bits though.


I mainly have most of them because the vendors can't afford to buy them all :).


I'm thinking a game with a lot few weapons with more options (mods, ammo types) might be a bit more challenging.





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Honestly, if you have the time, just editing some of the leveled lists might make it a bit less ridiculous. I have notices this aswell, but unfortunately, there isn't much to do about it unless you plan to slave away for months editing EVERY different spawn percentage of every raider, fiend, and NCR soldier in the game. Another think you could try is finding a mod that adds a penalty for death, although this won't stop weapons from spawning, just make it so that you aren't always over equipped. Also, you might find mods that reduce your carry weight helpful, as it would stop you from picking up all the crap you don't need.

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