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top files of all time - search error


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I'm experiencing a weird issue with both the top files - search menu inside fallout nexus.

Yesterday, I found perchance Mothership zeta crew - checked the ratings - and downloaded it.
I had to find it via an unorthodox way (I don't remember it, to be fair) because when I try to search it via "most endorsed files of all times" it doesn't appear. I fear like it may be not the only mod I'm missing.
What is going on?


I was told, for example, that in this list it should be around number #11, but I fear to say that in my list there isn't.

also, I tried to check if by using >filter by< "mothership zeta dlc" it would appear, with no success. The file with most ratings has 13 endorsement.

Any help?

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I think it may be that you have, in that little dropdown menu place (the filtering) listed as REQUIREMENTS.


If you change that to Fallout3 then it bring all Fallout 3 mods (adult or non-adult whatever you have filtered there) and in that it is #12 at present.


I hope that was not confusing. Let me know!


edit: Also if they didn't tag it as a DLC then it wouldn't show up on the list.

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I can copy that. It's on #12 right when I open that link.

However, when I click on "Go" with the default filter option being "Requirements", it'll vanish. If I change it back to "Fallout 3", it'll reappear where it was.


Maybe your browser or system somehow is automatically triggering the filtering by default option right when you open the page?

And it doesn't mention any Official DLC Requirements in the requirements list. Maybe that's why it won't appear when filtering by Mothership Zeta DLC.

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I think it may be that you have, in that little dropdown menu place (the filtering) listed as REQUIREMENTS.


If you change that to Fallout3 then it bring all Fallout 3 mods (adult or non-adult whatever you have filtered there) and in that it is #12 at present.


I hope that was not confusing. Let me know!


edit: Also if they didn't tag it as a DLC then it wouldn't show up on the list.


Yes, you are right. Thanks :)

I can copy that. It's on #12 right when I open that link.

However, when I click on "Go" with the default filter option being "Requirements", it'll vanish. If I change it back to "Fallout 3", it'll reappear where it was.


Maybe your browser or system somehow is automatically triggering the filtering by default option right when you open the page?

And it doesn't mention any Official DLC Requirements in the requirements list. Maybe that's why it won't appear when filtering by Mothership Zeta DLC.

And you are also right, like the other guy. Thanks ! :D


Thanks guys, this was exactly the issue. I don't understand the <<requirements>> option. What is it for?


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From how I read it it should be for nothing, no filters. But somehow it isn't exactly serving that purpose very well. So maybe I'm just wrong about this assumption to begin with. Though then I wonder how you're meant to turn off all filters without an option in the dropdown to do so.


edit: Hmm, checked the source code and it's given a value of "80", which isn't exactly 'nothing'. So maybe I'm indeed wrong about it. But then that would mean there's really no way back to no filters anymore once you clicked the "Go" button.


Guess only a site dev can tell for sure, also if "80" means 'nothing' and why it's not working.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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