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The Cryonile Zoo


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Im working on my first mod. its a zoo that will have every animal in game and i was just wondering if anyone else had made a zoo ??? . im still gonna make even if they did id just like to know


P.S. i also need to know how to retexture armor because i want to make a camo version of chintin with changed stats

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There is a zoo in Balmora expanded set inside a museum IIRC. Also there are mods that add lots of animals such as Abigail's Petshop. I don't have it so I'm not sure how the animals are displayed.
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o yea hows my sig


A bit off topic...but very well.



Moldy should be mouldy.


Metalic should be metallic.


Steadly should be steadily.


Precided should be Presided...but I am not sure if you want to use that word.



To hold the position of authority; act as chairperson or president.

To possess or exercise authority or control



"Something wicked this way comes"?? Is that how your character normally speaks or was he being a bit 'humorous'? That phrase has been used many a time. Unless the lead is trying to lighten the mood I would not use it. It's frequency in contemporary media would kill any sort of serious atmosphere you are trying to establish.


Reveil should be reveal.


"Empty void" is there any other kind of void?


Carrodied should be corroded.


Spellcheck. Know it. Use it. Love it.


Apart from the glaring errors and suggestions I pointed out there are a host of punctuation mistakes, which I admit I am always too lazy to extract. (As my punctuation is far from perfect.) The story does not quite flow...try studying poetry first. Once you have mastered that...you will learn how to make a story roll right out.


Also, try to keep in topic. You are more than welcome to post a piece of writing for critisicm, but next time give the poor thing its own thread.

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well that kinda helps but i just want to no wat program i need to edit .dds files to change the color of chitin armor. o yea hows my sig


umm Chitin Armor uses BMP textures, ( tribunal and bloodmoon use DDS textures) , but on that links page are links to dds converters and a plugin for GIMP. Most people use photoshop with the dds plugin.

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well almost all my texture files are dds and i dont have bloodmoon or tribunal.


And stampede i dont really consider one phrase going off topic considering that you used half a page talking about it and not saying a word about the actual. I do however thank you for your critisism even though its from the unfinished unedited version. your right about the wicked part and im going to switch it to a thought (i had to use it somewhere in the book because it is the coolest say ever). o yea precided is a word in common usage meaning basically where something or someone is. also there are many kinds of voids including desolate landscapes, light voids, dark voids, space, etc. I want my book to be extremly detailed giving it a 17th century yet slightly kinda comical feel but once again i thank you for your opinion.

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If I started a thread about some zoo in Morrowind and then insisted on speaking about my sig, please enlighten me as to how those two topics can be related? I agree I should not have indulged your request, this has become all the more apparent by your reply.


Secondly, you asked what I thought of your sig, do not blame me if it took a rather long post just to point out all the mistakes you made.


If it is the 'unfinished unedited version' as you put it, why make it your signature? Your mistakes are nothing a simple little spellcheck could not fix, it's just laziness on your part.


Also, I challenge you and anyone else to find the word 'precided' in any dictionary. Try it, go on. It does not exist.


Now, I will not warn you again, if you wish to continue this debate, post some of your writing in its own thread. I for one would like to see more posters putting up their work.

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Rustid, as a writer myself I have to agree with Stampede. A void by definition is 'empty' therefore while you can have a dark void or massive void an empty void is tautology.


Also, as he says, there is no word precided. I suspect you mean resided.


Writing a book is a challenging thing and I wish you luck but most books go through several drafts even before they are shown to friends. Don't be too eager to show your first draft. When the book is finished you will see many things you can improve without feedback from others.

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