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d3dxd9_43.dll is missing.....


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Hey everyone, so as the title suggest's I'm missing the d3dx9_43.dll from my FNV's directX folder, now I've tried just about everything like reinstalling the game and reinstalling the directX's, Ive tried getting the latest ones from Microsoft and so on and so fourth. Now the odd thing is, is that the game works fine...until we go into the business of ENB's, now that's where everything goes pear shaped because I then get "d3dxd9_43.dll is missing" error messege, the ENB btw is Eremotherium ENB by dptheslothking, so I don't know if it's an issue with the ENB or and issue with windows 8.


I someone could be so kind and help me I'll mail you a cookie :yes: :woot: :thumbsup: :cool: :D


Thanks in advance,


ceasefire457 :psyduck:

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