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Someone should add a very simple mod using FOSE that makes a button on your keyboard force the player to sit down. Pressing it again forces the player to lay down.

Pressing it a third time raises them back to sitting, and pressing it again raises them back to their feet.



-6 animations: Stand->Sit, Sit idle, Sit->laydown, Laydown idle, Laydown->Sit, Sit->Stand

-knowledge of making .KF files

-knowledge of animation (3dsmax, Blender or Maya)

-knowledge of Nifskope

-knowledge of importing & implementing animations in GECK

-knowledge of scripting in GECK and FOSE. ('getting it to work')




Because after a hard day of raider killin, i want to sit my ass down. LOL :)


Future prospects:

someone could make a 'prone position' variant, using the already existing Prone Position .kf pose in one of the Pose-packs. Not just prone, but full animation to prone and from prone.

(that would take a few more anims however) :thanks:

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