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Can someone make a special housemod?

It needs to be underground with as many doors and creatures you can think of and fairly large.

It may be also layered with traps

At the end of everything ther must be an altar of some sorts to place several very porwerful enchanted object on it


the entrance of it you can choose where ever you like


Thanks in advance

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Generally it's a good idea to offer help in some way in return... or at least to chip in yourself with the making of the mod. Otherwise you're not likely to get any help. ^^


Also, moving this to Team Recruitment...

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And i did some work.

It is for 4 very, very powerful gauntlets i have created alongside a few sets of fully enchanted armor.

I dont want no newbie getting his hands on those pieces or else the game would become

to easy with these things

when created i would also make 7 books to hint where the entrance is to the hiding place

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