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low cpu/gpu usage = low framerate


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is this is a general thing or only im suffering from this? i've been monitoring with skyrim perfomance monitor and my cpu/gpu usage are very stable but nevertheless i still get 20-35 fps outdoors. can i "push" my cpu/gpu to work harder? with skyrim configurator or something maybe? unlock threads or smth?

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You should post your systems specs and maybe the info from the performance monitor if possible, I don't use that program so I wouldn't know.

Are your framerates capped?

What do you mean by "pushing" your hardware? Overclocking? Unparking CPU cores? ini file edits?

I woudn't attempt to OC your CPU or GPU unless you know exactly what you are doing as it is quite an involved process, not to mention the extra heat that OC'ing hardware usually produces. An Aftermarket CPU cooler is usually a must if you wish to attempt to trod this route

If you have a multicore CPU and Windows 7 it is possible the the OS is 'parking' some of your cores as an energy saving feature. Some folks claim to get a gaming performance boost by forcing all cores into the unparked state via a registry tweak instead of letting Windows manage the park/unpark process. It is usually safe to do, and there are programs that will do it for you (http://www.coderbag.com/Programming-C/Disable-CPU-Core-Parking-Utility ) just create a system restore point beforehand in case something goes awry.

As far as ini tweaks, mostly they are useless, unless a mod requires them. More often than not (with FO3, FNV and Oblivion) I ended up replacing 'surefire solution' tweaked ini's with my original backups. Only made one to Skyrim so far and only because the creator of a mod I added sugggested it.

Anyway, try posting more specific info and maybe somone more knowledgable than I can help you. :)


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thanks for your respond, its seems everybody else just doesnt care about dudes like me who have problems with the game, but its understandable, im not angry.


What do you mean by "pushing" your hardware? Overclocking? Unparking CPU cores? ini file edits?

no, not OC. What i meant is that my cpu/gpu usage is not fully utilized. Maybe skyrim being port of a console game and all is supposed to work like this, but i just dunno, it seems weird, no other pc exclusive games do this. for example if i set graphics to ultra in witcher 2 and then check with nvidia inspector monitoring tool i will see that all my 2gb vram is being fully used and my cpu/gpu usage is usually 90%+ ... in skyrim its not like this. its 60%/50% or something like that and im getting low frame rates. its 8 ram and gtx 760 alongside outdated but just spectacular and very powerful quad2core e6600 ( 4 cores ) 2.4 mhz.

I've tried unparking cores. I honestly believe that everyone who says they gained something are only 1% of people and others are just experiencing placebo effect.

about tweaks you are just so incorrect that i just dunno...

Edited by BoromiRofGeo
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