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Oblivion: Video Game Promoting WITCHCRAFT, SATANISM, & POLYTHEISM


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Ahh ehehe it confused me Sinceon that website they also talkedabout that non existing unholydude xP @Aellyth I agree =p Animals are like us Living beings And why would you be able to buy guns? they want less crime right? so dont sell guns =p ( in my country you cant even buy guns No gunshops since gun are illegal exept for cops and the military) btw this went oftopic >.<
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That is something I forgot! A male player can roleplay as a female, and vice versa. If this isn't an opportunity to live out transsexual fantasies, I don't know what is. You can also run around the game half-naked. Men wearing nothing but a loincloth, and women wearing a revealing set of bra and panties. There is also prostitution and sexual innuendo in the game. This game is for deranged moral perverts, no doubt.


pretty much thats me!


"Game don't kill people, guns do


as do knives, baseball bats, automobiles(drunk drivers), pipes,pipe bombs etc! what it boils down to is "people kill people" anyone who can't recognize that is a ......... :whistling:

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Yes, it did go a bit off topic >_> I was going to post on those forums but posted here instead xD


In my opinion parents have all the fault that their kids "get their litte minds twisted by the wrath of Satan" ... Oblivion, as many others games are MATURE rated... By that, I do think they are meant to be played by mature people, who are less likely to become influenced by games... So what if a games promotes those kinds of things, explicitly or not? It's the person's mind that has a problem, not the game =p

Maybe we should start brining proof that we are mentaly healthy when buying a violent game of some sort :3

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There are a lot of videos on youtube that show little kids shooting huting rifles, or other weapons, with their parents or relatives.


Why in hell would you let kids play with guns?


To teach them to use firearms responsibly. Though "play" isn't the right word. Any parent who would let a minor play with any firearm, loaded or not, needs to be investigated by CPS. But if a child (of the appropriate age, I'm thinking 10+) shows curiosity about firearms, I think it's much better for a parent to teach the kid how to treat guns with responsibility and respect, rather than chance having him try them out on his own.

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Indeed, play isn't the right word, but that's what you usually see in the video titles


Another thought...you also alluded to hunting in your previous post...while hunting itself is a different issue, I'd like to point out that people who hunt and children of people who hunt are almost certainly more responsible with firearms than average people. For one, in the U.S., to receive a hunting license you must take safety courses that cover how to be responsible with and around guns. That, and it's hard not to respect the business end of a shotgun after you've seen what it can do to a living being.

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I can't help but laughing when I read you articles...

Is this a religious forum of some sort? Hmmmm


OK who wrote this deserves a minim 20 kudos



Hopefully in our lifetimes we will see more legislation to keep Super Nintendo games like these off the streets where young and impressionable 30-somethings living in their parents' basements cannot get their hands on them.



ya because bethesda released there game on a 19 year old out-dated console

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Hoooooowieeee.... I have half a mind to make a quick profile on that forum and speak me mind but Id just be speaking to a brickwall - :walbash:


Ya dont suppose that Rev Osborne is related to Ozzy cos that would be a heck of a coincidence! Id just love to see him on here spread the Word of the Holy Jebus (Homer Simpson says Jebus and what he says, Goes)


Ah was a heck of a giggle too. Cheers for putting this to light.

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